
As men often we are looked at as the stronger sex able to handle all obstacles and take any form of pain that comes our way. Truth be told we are no different from a woman. We want to be loved?”,understood, appreciated and heard. However in relationships we aren’t supposed to show who we really are even if ones mate says that you can be yourself completely. Funny moments happen when a man finally let’s his guard down to his mate often he is met with words like “man up,” “be a real man,” but what’s being missed is that he is and with the assumption that he can finally open up to someone he then reverts back into his shell and becomes the tortes that life only wants to acknowledge. So when you have that moment to finally heT his inner voice see his inner soul let it be ok for it will be a new beginning and the beginning of a prosperous relationship. LOVE


News Flash

Rehearsal moment and Donna Griggs is putting on a marvelous performance as a mother in despair in “Missing News”

There is nothing worse then the fear and loss of a child. In many cases we never hear the stories of these children but we do see there faces on Facebook or on poles in the inner city but not on the news. The sad thing about media is it can hold a bias to what it shows and over the years those stories of missing minority children had fallen short. With that being said, it is up to us the everyday person to continue putting out Amber alerts in our own way till we see complete change in this missing news view…


Dedication goes a long way I. This business we call entertainment. For many it’s about being able to say I’m an actor or I’m a producer that they look for the oooohhhs and aaahhs of others to validate there involvement. Consequently what they aren’t paying attention to is that some people are actually watching what he or she is doing, how much work they are putting I to the craft, how they handle this as a job and not a game. To be in the entertainment business is to truly understand that none of this comes easy, fast or free. What must be understood is all eyes are on the best and with that it only gets you I to the next project of this… Business(think).


Sunday rehearsal

As we draw closer to the play, we have picked up new members and practice is going well. Talents are putting their all into not only the words but the development of characters. In this scene Krissy Bogle is going over Movement and believe me her action and presence will be one to grab attention of the audience and that’s what talent is about making words become real before your eyes..

Lost Soul Syndrome


We live in a future that the average minority youth believes his life has a limitation. For many that means never seeing pass the ghetto, never imagining themselves as college graduates, never envisioning living, loving, breathing or just being. These thoughts are not limited to black or Latino children but many minority children within inner cities. The need for positive role models should not be limited to sports players or those in entertainment but even the Brother managing a bodega, the brother getting a masters in science to change the world, the brother working as a teacher in a system that wants to give up on children and the brother sitting in the park with his kids and lady teaching them how to ride a bike. Truth is these are the images that can change a life, these are images that resemble real life, these are the images many need to understand these men have a strive worth becoming why because it involves integrity, consciousness and wanting to build. These are images that speak choice and tell you what you can become and that you can climb out of the syndrome of lost souls…


As minority men we are always seen as the murderer,the drug dealer, the thief, the abuser, the killer, but never the innocent, the victim, the punished, the abused.. These moments aren’t about banding together for one death but for the many wrongs that have been subjected to us as a people African American, Latino, and any other melanin that’s always fitting a profile, under a police officers stick, held at gun point, stopped and frisked, followed in a store or just plainly seen as a threat because of your skin. All we really want to know is when will it change?

The Grind

If there is anything that I am learning about theater is that from the beginning g to it’s end it contains a lot if work. I was so excited to see my co-director that I let her take the helm so I can focus on cast members and things they want to focus on like overall character development and giving them the latest news on or progress with the play. Another week done and the positives keep coming…


The beauty of watching the cast is watching them develop chemistry among one another and character with themselves. For many the challenge of becoming a character invokes an understanding of knowing the frustrations and attitude of the character. For the most part, utilizing parts of ones life can be the best motivation like work and how it plays an intricate part to your everyday you can feel the frustration and pains it can cause to push forward into a role..

Saturday Fire

Saturday was a day of fire as cast members showed that they can bring it for rehearsal. It was a little different as I took a step back and formally introduced them to Britney who is the co director on the set. Although the setup was different because it being in a house instead of an actual hall it did prove to be both helpful as the separation of space gave members two coaches to work with on full scenes as well and the other the development of character. I must say it has been a case of trial and error but they have shown that they are willing to take on the challenge and show the world what talents they have and for me it’s worth the site in growth and obstacle as we prove talent stands strong in everyone.

And We Are In!!

Friday was a day of chaos in the evening as I made my way to meet up with Kris at the Greyhound station in town. Now it wasn’t the waiting but the chaos that happened while there that amazed me. Already her bus was late as it’s arrival was slated for 6oclock and with time ticking many people gathered to leave for the big apple. The line was complete madness as people began getting angry and it started to show in body language and then two men got into a fist fight over space. Needless to say this showed me just how unprepared greyhound security truly are for situations but great for picking up a check.
When Kris arrived at7:30 she told me about a man that couldn’t keep still, and a woman that couldn’t keep her dog quiet, talk about a ride from hell. Well we finally made it on our way to the fringe as gatherings of people were out and about for first Friday gatherings all over Old City. When we got there the buildup of people was big but I knew she was a little exhausted so we went straight for the programs and began flipping through the pages. Page after page we flipped and it seemed like a lifetime and then we saw it the Runboyrun ad and that made our day that we had to share the picture to the world…so here we are all we made it..