Another Week of Work


Yesterday was a great day as cast members came in ready for rehearsal. For many of the cast members it’s all about reintroducing themselves too the material. For many that reintroduction to the script involved learning how to focus and become the character once again as well as taking ques from others and being back into consistency concerning the flow of scenes between actors. 

The Step Up


Competition [in a scene] is healthy. Competition is life. Yet most actors refuse to acknowledge this. They don’t want to compete. They want to get along. And they are therefore not first-rate actors.
~ Michael Shurtleff

In most cases, an actors job is to make unbelievable believable and although this may be for a scene it is also in the interaction between another actor this becomes important as well. Most of this is in understanding what he or she is bringing to the table within their performance that helps the next to step up when it’s his or her turn on the stage too. With daily rehearsal and communication it becomes helpful to an actor in building chemistry within each pass as well as in the performance its self. 

Beautiful Comedy

  • Humor [in a scene] is not jokes. It is that attitude toward being alive without which you would long ago have jumped off the 59th Street Bridge.
    ~ Michael Shurtleff

    The believability in comedy is being able to take something from daily living and stretch it into a humor that is seen as annoying but funny at the same time. It is in these actions where most actors utilize the understanding and allow it to make its way into a scene to make people think while seeing a reason too laugh as well. As actors it is there job to bring you into those moments and see all the humor abnormality and seriousness of not only the actions but what they may be saying that is made to be a moment called tragic comedy. So now you walk away smile or laugh but here is the big part did you get the message? 


Getting over the Moment

That’s what makes acting so attractive. You get to break all your own rules.”Gerardine Clark”

The beauty of acting is allowing yourself to let go and take on roles that you never thought you would do. In many ways this is your inner voice ready to dive into the unexpected and see if things are possible. In the end it is here when one finds them self and realize that it was always the fear of exploring that held them back that will never do so again. 


  • The best acting is instinctive. It’s not intellectual, it’s not mechanical, it’s instinctive.
    ~ Craig MacDonald

    He walked ín took his place with an introduction and waited for time. He stood with paper in hand and began speaking words that he had never seen before and made others see him as believable. His became the husband and seeing the picture of his wife made it clear that he wasn’t just being thrown in a moment but a believability of a situation that could be…


Your In…

If there is one thing that we all know from experience,fitting in isn’t always that easy. In theater being able to fit in means more as it deals with having the ability to show fellow cast mates that you have what it takes to nail a line a character and all that within the first time they see you in rehearsal. The best part of this is when you take your last breath after the last line after the last action and you hear nothing but claps it means you have done what you came to do and you have now been initiated into the fold. 

The journey 

We start our journey again with both vets and newbies in this years cast of underground episodes and you’ll be meeting and seeing them all in postings In time. This time around we start a little early with rehearsals and find out how well many have retained the pieces since its been almost a year since last performed. Like a bike the expectations are always to be able to get on and begin to peddle away but we all had to remember the best part is in the refreshing of the lines and positions we put in play from last time around. It was fun reintroducing everyone as well as introducing new members to the ensemble and there are still more members to come. Seeing everyone was a refreshing moment for me as it brought me closer to the understanding as to what my goal is in the accomplishment of the play this time around and that is to truly establish a facility in Philadelphia where this journey can take on its on course for the cast that many actors in philly don’t get a chance to say and that is in — at — ..