Pulling off the Punchline…

Nobody’s Perfect

“If you get a chance to act in a room that somebody else has paid rent for, then you’re given a free chance to practice your craft.”


I have the privilege of watching some of Philadelphia and it’s surrounding areas talents and for me it’s always a treat.
Watching someone work to become a character is an amazing thing. No matter how small or large the part in the end it’s about putting in the work and showing the audience you are that character.

Just imagine if we never got the chance to see #chadwickboseman pull off one of his most iconic rolls as #blackpanther would we had felt the joy that the billions felt around the world or experience his acting accomplishment and be able to say when we all walked out the thwarted “can’t wait for the next one.” The believe ability like in this scene here with @quinteromoore and @pap.l1 it takes a lot to be a psychopath and a criminal. Watching them was a treat as Luis was there from the beginning working on his part and in the last two weeks of rehearsal Terry came onboard and they had too not only create a circumstance of believability but build chemistry and trust that would make a scene not just believable but memorable for the audience and they did just that 👍🏾
We need to all remember how these moments mean so much for so many reasons and people for writers and directors it’s a treat to see his, her or there work coming to life and for the actor pulling it off is magical in its own right.

So take a bow you pulled off a great feat..

*Let us know what you think.






